Trans* inter* nonbinary and ageing
Trans* inter* nonbinary and ageing, is the visiting project “get visitors more often?”,interviews about the topic age/get older, which are airing on the TransgenderRadio and if you are interested, there will be another meeting soon, for everyone, that deal with the topic of age/getting older and wishing for an exchange.
The visiting project
“Get visitors more often?” is the first project of this kind, for older trans*, intersex and nonbinary people, who can no longer travel alone and/or wishing for an exchange with other trans*, intersex and nonbinary people.
More informations about “The Visiting project”
Interviews about the topic ageing
In random order interviews with trans*, intersex and nonbinary people with questions about the topic ageing are conducted. These interviews will be aired in the magazine programs of Transgenderradio Berlin in diverse free radio stations in german-speaking areas. The interviews serve to survey the needs of trans*, intersex and non-binary people in old age. A summary from the first survey is here pdf to download (in german).
Interview partners about the topic age/ageing are still searched!
You are trans*, intersex and/or nonbinary and you have already dealt a bit with the topic of “aging”/“getting older”/“being old” or or have you been on the move in your life for a bit longer? Then I, MAX, would really like to talk with you.
It is important that we asked us a few questions. For example:
How do we want to live, when we are old? What are our fears and our visions? What can we do in advance, that need for care will not become a nightmare for us or we are not lonely and alone, possible in poverty, vegetate in front of us?
But also the positive aspects as trans*, intersex and/or nonbinary people to grow old or to be old? Let us be visible and take care of eachother. And also ensure that “age” is an issue and is taken into consideration everywhere.
This is why I, MAX from TransgenderRadio Berlin, really want to talk about this topic with you.
The whole thing should take place in the form of a radio interview for Transgender Radio Berlin – also anonymously if you desire this form. If you want, feel free to write me a e-mail
Meetings on the topic of aging/getting older
Looking forward for a meeting from and for trans*, intersex and nonbinary people, to talk together about the topic ageing/getting older?
Trans*Inter*Non-Binary and Age could be a regular meeting, a cozy get-together, perhaps a discussion group or a forge for the future.
Anyway I, MAX, really like to do it and I would be pleased about your interest. If you are interested and/or want to know more, please contact me.
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