You can reach the board via the following email address:
Nora Eckert
Extended board

Nora Eckert, born 1954 in Nürnberg, she lives in Berlin since 1974 and is a trans woman since 1976 (and always trans*). She works journalistic and is since 2019 a trans* activist. Numerous book publications on the opera and to theatre historical topics and publications for magazins as well as for the Internet platform Last appeared “Wie alle, nur anders. Ein transsexuelles Leben in Berlin” (english: Like everybody, just different”)
Special interests: all arts, trans* history BRD/DDR (with the aim of a book publication), For more details see homepage
Julien Franke
Executive board

Julien is white-european und defines himself as a intersex und queer man. He is engaged as an activist for the LGBTQIA+ Community since many years.
At some point the desire arose to work professionally in this field. So Julien becomes a part of the Inter* Teams at TrIQ. Now Julien also supports the club as a board member.
Julien is a speaker next to his work at TrIQ. In his leisure time he writes – including a queer novel –, reads, is listening to music, plays sports and travels.
Lea Lölhöffel
Executive board
Chriz Lugk
Extended board
MAX Roetz
Executive board

I am M A X, white, non-binary and my pronoun is M A X. I’ve been up to mischief at TrIQ since 2010, I like to do it, because TrIQ for me it’s the coolest association I’ve ever come across. I’ve been on the board here for a long time. I am also the administrative staff of the TIN department at TrIQ.
When I am not working for TrIQ, I like to be creative (painting, graphics etc), I love to walk in the nature and I am happily married …
Jonathan Rose
Extended board

Jonathan Rose, literary and cultural scientist by background, teaches and researches at the university Passau in the area Anglistic, Cultural and Media Studies with a focus on Trans Studies and Fan Studies, lives in Berlin und is with TrIQ for about a decade, since 2018 also as a board member.
Jonathan takes care of the TrIQ memberships and maintains the TrIQ library with others.
Alex Stephan
Extended board

I am Alex, 46 years old, white and perceived as male. I am at TrIQ since 2024.
As a sample quality manager, I check the articles for online presentation at my job.
Joris Filipp
Special consultation for the topics Trans*, Inter*, Nonbinary and flight
Julien Franke
Inter* consultation and educational work

Julienn is white-european und defines himself as a intersex und queer man. He is engaged as an activist for the LGBTQIA+ Community since many years.
At some point the desire arose to work professionally in this field. So Julien becomes a part of the Inter* Teams at TrIQ. Now Julien also supports the club as a board member.
Julien is a speaker next to his work at TrIQ. In his leisure time he writes – including a queer novel –, reads, is listening to music, plays sports and travels.
Louis Gaebel
Special consultation to the topics Trans*, Inter* and Nonbinary
Mari Günther
Special consultation to Trans*
Ray Kiunke Eke
Special consultation to the topics Trans*, Inter* and Nonbinary

Pavo Kröger
Special consultation to the topics Trans*, Inter* and Nonbinary
Léan Maurer
Project coordination Inter*

Léan is inter*, non-binary and white. He likes it, it when alternating pronouns or no pronouns are used for them. Léan is clinical social worker, psychotherapist in training and researches to the topic intersectionality. He is the project coordination for the Inter* area at TrIQ since october 2022. She also offers consultation, groups and further training to the topic Inter*. Léan prefers to relax on the sofa at home behind a large stack of books and snacks or series.
Thoralf Mosel
Project management
Evren Neddermann
Special consultation for the topics Trans*, Inter*, Nonbinary and flight
Yannik Reymann
Public relations

Yannik (he/no pronouns) takes care of administrative stuff, and responds to your requests via email and social media. Yannik is part of a queer pregnancy network (Netzwerk queere Schwangerschaften).
MAX Roetz

I am M A X, white, non-binary and my pronoun is M A X. I’ve been up to mischief at TrIQ since 2010, I like to do it, because TrIQ for me it’s the coolest association I’ve ever come across. I’ve been on the board here for a long time. I am also the administrative staff of the TIN department at TrIQ.
When I am not working for TrIQ, I like to be creative (painting, graphics etc), I love to walk in the nature and I am happily married …
Jonathan Rose
Project coordination

Jonathan Rose is responsible for the project coordination of the special department TIN at TrIQ.
Teo Schlögl
Special consultation on Section 45b of the Personal Status Act

Teo Schlögl is responsible at TrIQ since 2020 for Special consultation on Section 45b of the Personal Status Act and for changes in civil status and worked as a carer for trans, inter and queer people with psychological stress before that. Since 2016 Teo is engaged in the peer consultation of trans* and non-binary persons and makes currently undergoing further training to become a systemic consultant. Teo has studied Islamic Studies and Gender Studies in Berlin.